

Contact Us
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About Labradors
The Standard
Yellow Labradors
Black Labradors
Chocolate Labradors
"Rare" Labradors
Our Labs
May 2011 Litter
November 2011 Litter
May 2012 litter
The Nursery
Puppy Purchase
Puppy Application
Health Guarantee
Puppy Health Care 101
Nuvet Vitamins
Potty Park
Planned Litters

Below you will find our reservations guidelines. Before making your decision to reserve, you may also want to check out our Puppy Info page, which has information on our program, pricing and what you get with our puppies. Also check out our FAQ"S and Buyer Beware pages for commonly asked questions. If you are 100% sure you want a Lucky Jacks puppy then please fill out our puppy application and we will contact you shortly. You may also give us a call!


A reservation will guarantee you a selection from our new Labrador puppies. Reservations are only offered to approved owners.  Here are the steps:

1.) To qualify, please fill out our puppy application.

2.) Someone will be in touch via email or phone to set up a phone interview to go over your application and determine approval. We will then let you know of any available puppies or upcoming litters.

3.) Once approved, a reservation deposit of $200  and you must print, fill out and either scan & email or send by regular mail our sales contract in order to hold your spot.  The deposit is applied to the purchase price of your puppy. It is non-refundable after three days but transferable to another litter. Please keep in mind we are a small operation and have only 1 litter a year, so if you pass you may have as long as a year to wait. We will offer refunds only if we do not have the sex or color you requested and we will not have an upcoming litter within a year. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances. If you know you are interested in getting a Lucky Labs puppy and know you would like to have one from our next arrivals we suggest that you place a reservation with us before the puppies arrive. This will guarantee you a pick in the litter. First pick goes by the order in which the deposit was received. Exception: The exception to the order of puppy choosing are the following: Breeder reserves the right to first pick of every litter if they so choose. If a client from a previous list decided to wait for the next litter then they receive first pick from the litter if their deposit was received before the current first person.   Total purchase price for pet quality (sold on a spay/neuter agreement) is $500. Breeding rights can be given starting at $800 to approved homes. If balance is not collected by deadline, buyer looses the $200 non-refundable deposit . Checks accepted for deposits only. Cash, Postal Money order and pay pal are accepted as final forms of payment. WE DO NOT SHIP OUR PUPPIES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!

4.) Once you place a reservation you are guaranteed a selection on the puppy you most want!! After you place a reservation we will keep in close touch with you regarding expected litters. As soon as they are born we take lots of pictures of the puppies, and we will send you an email notifying you of their birth! You can then go to our website and see all the beautiful pups! Although all puppies are pictured on our website upon arrival, no one can claim a certain puppy until EVERYONE on our reservation list has either chosen a puppy or opted to wait for the next litter. We do ask that you have made a decision one way or the other by the time the pup is 4 weeks old so that we have enough time to place remaining puppies.

5.) An additional $200 is due once you have chosen your puppy. (If you are choosing from a current litter then $250 deposit is required) .

6.) The balance is due when the pup is 7 weeks old. You can also come by and see them as early as 3 weeks of age. We ask that you do not visit any other breeders or pet stores 60 days prior to your visit here to keep from transmitting any diseases that may be present at those other locations. You may also visit your chosen puppy at anytime while he/she is in our care.


We welcome visits always! Not all of our Lab puppies get reserved ahead of time, so we may have puppies available if you just happened to find our site and have not sent in your puppy application yet. We only reserve 6 pups a litter ahead of time. Generally there are 8-10 pups in a litter. We do also have a waitlist going after all reservations are filled. Please check our Planned Litters page to see where our reservations stand. You can also qualify by calling us, which may speed up the process for you, but we will eventually need you to fill out our questionnaire also :)


Waitlist does not guarantee you a puppy! To be sure you have a puppy held for you, please send in your $200 non-refundable deposit. (If for some reason the mating doesn't take, you can be moved to the list for the next litter. Pick is in the order of the date the deposit was received, not when you contacted us) . Ex. You may have been on our waitlist for 6 months…someone else comes along and places a deposit before you- they are immediately placed on reservation list- which puts them ahead of you. Once you have placed a deposit you will be on the reservation list found on our Planned Litters page.

We also provide our adults & puppies  
NuVet Plus®  daily insuring they have the best start in life! I highly recommend NuVet Plus®  to keep your pet on the path to continued health!

Try Potty Park Risk Free!

Hey Everyone!  I’ve got some great news for you and your pets!


Over and over I am asked the very same question from my new puppy buyers – what is the best way to house train my new puppy?  This has always been a tricky answer because until recently there was no best way or worst way – just the long way.  Well thankfully that has all changed!


I was recently introduced to a product called Potty Park.  It literally is a toilet for dogs that can be used indoors or outdoors at your home, apartment or anywhere else your dog may need somewhere to relieve itself.  Essentially it’s your own private little piece of the dog park anywhere you need it.


I have seen other dog potties for sale and have been very skeptical because of the inherent dangers of all of the bacteria building up on these units, but Potty Park is made from anti-bacterial and anti-microbial medical grade materials.  In fact it’s the only true anti-microbial dog potty in the world! 


Once I found out that the White House uses Potty Park for Bo Obama I was sold!  I mean, if there was a better dog potty out there don’t you think they’d be using it?


Not only does it save your floors from accidents and stains, but it also allows you to spend more quality time with your dog(s) and less time cleaning up after them.


Click this link to check out Potty Park, the world’s finest dog potty!

Copyright © 2011
Lucky Labs/ Melissa Laro
All images property of Lucky Labs
You may not copy or use them without written consent.