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About Labradors
The Standard
Yellow Labradors
Black Labradors
Chocolate Labradors
"Rare" Labradors
Our Labs
May 2011 Litter
November 2011 Litter
May 2012 litter
The Nursery
Puppy Purchase
Puppy Application
Health Guarantee
Puppy Health Care 101
Nuvet Vitamins
Potty Park
Planned Litters


Home to some of the SWEETEST, most LOYAL and LOVABLE Labrador Retrievers in North Carolina!!

Quality Breeding for sound temperament making excellent family companions!

Welcome to Lucky Labs! We are so happy you found us! We are small hobby breeders producing just 1 litter a year. We home raise our labradors from puppies to ensure their excellent temperaments to make the best family companion possible! Our Labradors are first and foremost special members of our family. They are not kept in kennels! We have 10 acres upon which our home is built. We have a very large play yard surrounding the back & sides of our home. This is so our labradors can go in and out at their leisure through a doogie door located in our dining room. They have their own huge area to do with as they please.....digging for example lol.  Please see our pictures on our About Us page. They are played with & exercise frequently not only by us but our 5 kids and our 4 Jack Russells.  Please see Our Labs page for more info.  




Our puppies are very healthy, active, loyal and great with children! Our puppies come with a 2 year written health guarantee, puppy pack, photo cd, wormings done at 2, 4, 6 & 8 weeks of age, 1st shots with a vet examination  just under 8 weeks of age before they go home to their new families.  They are started on potty training using the potty park and the doggie door system. They come pre-spoliled with lots of love and TLC. They are played with daily with our children. They also come with AKC limited registration....Limited Registration means that the dog is registered but no litters produced by that dog are eligible for registration. A dog registered with an AKC Limited Registration shall be ineligible to be entered in a licensed or member dog show. It is eligible, however to be entered in any other licensed AKC event such as obedience, tracking, field trials, hunting test, herding, lure coursing, agility and earth dog events. Limited Registration can be changed to full registration only by the litter owner, which is myself.  Limited Registration helps breeders protect their breeding programs.
Full registration can be obtained if discussed prior and to approved homes. Please see our puppy info page for more info.

We also provide our adults & puppies  
NuVet Plus®  daily insuring they have the best start in life! I highly recommend NuVet Plus®  to keep your pet on the path to continued health!

Try Potty Park Risk Free!

Hey Everyone!  I’ve got some great news for you and your pets!


Over and over I am asked the very same question from my new puppy buyers – what is the best way to house train my new puppy?  This has always been a tricky answer because until recently there was no best way or worst way – just the long way.  Well thankfully that has all changed!


I was recently introduced to a product called Potty Park.  It literally is a toilet for dogs that can be used indoors or outdoors at your home, apartment or anywhere else your dog may need somewhere to relieve itself.  Essentially it’s your own private little piece of the dog park anywhere you need it.


I have seen other dog potties for sale and have been very skeptical because of the inherent dangers of all of the bacteria building up on these units, but Potty Park is made from anti-bacterial and anti-microbial medical grade materials.  In fact it’s the only true anti-microbial dog potty in the world! 


Once I found out that the White House uses Potty Park for Bo Obama I was sold!  I mean, if there was a better dog potty out there don’t you think they’d be using it?


Not only does it save your floors from accidents and stains, but it also allows you to spend more quality time with your dog(s) and less time cleaning up after them.


Click this link to check out Potty Park, the world’s finest dog potty!

Copyright © 2011
Lucky Labs/ Melissa Laro
All images property of Lucky Labs
You may not copy or use them without written consent.