
Chocolate Labradors

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English Chocolate Lab

The Rich Look Of Chocolate Labradors

Chocolate Labradors are very popular today because of their lovely color and they are very rich looking dogs. The Labrador breed itself is a popular breed of dogs because they are seen in many movies and television shows. Dog shows often show Labradors that win awards and prizes which is appealing to those looking for a distinguished pet. Chocolate Labradors often do well in shows, but are more often seen in families as both the family guard dog and the children’s play companion. This is important because these dogs are good-natured which makes them ideal for children. Like all dogs they need to be trained not to jump up on small children, chew things, and become house-trained.

Training A Chocolate Labrador

Since puppies are undisciplined they can be dangerous for children simply because they do not yet have an understanding of what is harmful and what is not. This is even more true of chocolate Labrador puppies and other large breed puppies because they grow so rapidly. They get big and heavy quite quickly and look as though they are full grown, yet they are still just puppies for approximately the first year. This means that they have a lot of extra energy and playfulness that could cause a problem if the puppy is not trained properly. A professional training class is often the best recommendation for a chocolate Labrador puppy, as it would be for any large breed dog.

American Chocolate Lab

As The Puppy Grows Into A Dog

As the chocolate Labrador puppy turns into a full grown dog it will settle down some, but chocolate Labradors are still high energy dogs and will remain so until they reach their senior years. This is something that should be considered very carefully when someone is thinking of getting a chocolate Labrador. Large breed dogs often live 10 to 12 years or more, and the energy level will remain high in these dogs for the first 7 to 8 years at least. This is a long time for someone to work with and live with a high energy animal, and even though many people will not mind this at all, it should be considered when thinking about whether to get a chocolate Labrador.



"Rare" Silver Labrador


A less common labrador, the silver Labradors are beautiful dogs. However, they are not seen as often as the other types of Labradors. Some of this is due to the fact that the silver Labrador is not an accepted color for many dog shows and therefore breeders do not try to create them. They are, essentially, color mistakes. But they are a good choice for individuals or families that are looking for a pet and not a show dog. They have the same good temperament as the other Labrador types and colors, they simply look different. They are actually grey in color even though they are called silver Labradors. They are beautiful, silky, and sleek looking dogs that have much to offer families that are interested in adopting them and showing them the love that they are looking for. They are referred to as silver labradors, however, they are classified through AKC as chocolates.


Rare Labradors Are Loving Labradors


The rarity of the color of this particular Labrador does not affect the dog itself. The silver Labrador is still a very happy and high energy creature that enjoys other dogs, people, and playtime. There are no genetic mutations that would cause problems with the temperament or attitude. The only difference is the color. Although breeders and those that raise animals for shows may not like the silver gray color, many people find the dogs very beautiful and quite appealing as a family pet. This pet does not look like everyone else's Labrador. Many people like this because the silver Labrador is much more unique looking than the other colors. They find that they often receive many compliments and questions regarding the type of dog and where it came from.


We also provide our adults & puppies  
NuVet Plus®  daily insuring they have the best start in life! I highly recommend NuVet Plus®  to keep your pet on the path to continued health!

Try Potty Park Risk Free!

Hey Everyone!  I’ve got some great news for you and your pets!


Over and over I am asked the very same question from my new puppy buyers – what is the best way to house train my new puppy?  This has always been a tricky answer because until recently there was no best way or worst way – just the long way.  Well thankfully that has all changed!


I was recently introduced to a product called Potty Park.  It literally is a toilet for dogs that can be used indoors or outdoors at your home, apartment or anywhere else your dog may need somewhere to relieve itself.  Essentially it’s your own private little piece of the dog park anywhere you need it.


I have seen other dog potties for sale and have been very skeptical because of the inherent dangers of all of the bacteria building up on these units, but Potty Park is made from anti-bacterial and anti-microbial medical grade materials.  In fact it’s the only true anti-microbial dog potty in the world! 


Once I found out that the White House uses Potty Park for Bo Obama I was sold!  I mean, if there was a better dog potty out there don’t you think they’d be using it?


Not only does it save your floors from accidents and stains, but it also allows you to spend more quality time with your dog(s) and less time cleaning up after them.


Click this link to check out Potty Park, the world’s finest dog potty!

Copyright © 2011
Lucky Labs/ Melissa Laro
All images property of Lucky Labs
You may not copy or use them without written consent.