2. A small dog can be wrapped in a towel or blanket to secure
3. Wipe the toxic slime with a towel out of the dogs mouth quickly
4. Keep the dogs head tilted down, very important to keep head down
5. Rinse the dogs mouth with the garden hose
6. Use pin point spray of water but reduce water pressure, you are trying to rinse the toxin and keep a steady water
7. Alternate with the towel to wipe, then rinse again with the hose
8. Keep checking inside the dog's mouth to see if you removed the toxic slime. It will feel like raw egg whites.
9. If the dog throws up, that is ok, the VET will induce vomiting if you go to their office
10. When you feel you have the slime removed Use the dropper to squirt a tablespoon of Pepto Bismol at the back of
the dogs tongue so it swallows and coats the back of the tongue
11. Wait and watch the dog in a confined space like the bathroom for several hours
12. The dog will probably be vomiting and gagging, keep the dog calm as possible. If the dog starts foaming at the
mouth, repeat the procedure with the towel wiping and more water but no more Pepto Bismol
13. At any point in time CALL THE VET or get someone else to call
14. If your pet starts to have seizures get to the VET immediately